Thursday, August 8, 2013

Nas Starts Fundraiser to Help A Homeless Family In D.C.

When the Queens rapper Nas found out about a homeless family in D.C., he immediately wanted to help.

WJLA presented the story of Stanley Young, an unemployed construction worker whose home above a store in Northwest D.C. was ruined by a fire. The mother of Young’s seven children passed away last year, and he is now left raising the kids on his own. The Young’s are currently living at a hotel in Northwest D.C. and have until August 13 to find a new home.

WJLA also reports that the family is receiving help from his church family and the Red Cross. Hearing this heartbreaking tragedy, Nas decided to step in and help raise money for the family.
Earlier today Nas tweeted “I was moved by the sad story of Stanley Young-father of 7 now homeless. Help me give his family a miracle”.

Nas also posted:
I am also a single father, and we don’t get enough credit in this country. I’m committed to helping Stanley and his seven (yes 7!) kids. Moreover, I believe and hope that we should all, as a community, come together to help our fellow American men and women when they need us in desperate situations like this. See if you can’t find a few dollars to help the Young’s get back on their feet with me. We need to raise enough to extend their stay, and maybe even afford a down payment on a new house or something. This is real. It is me. I’m putting in $5,000 myself. Never done something like this, but I have faith that our American community can pull together an miracle for this strong family who needs our help right now.

Nas said that if he reaches his goal of $20,000 he will donate another $5,000 and according to the site, Nas has already passed the 20K mark!

Support the cause and help this family find a new home by visiting Crowntilt, any donation can make a difference! 

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